3 Reasons You Should Utilize Doggie Daycare

Have you ever considered putting your fur babies in doggie daycare only to feel guilt creep in moments later?

“I should just take care of them.”

“I shouldn’t have to count on another person to take care of my responsibility.”

“I don’t want Buttercup and Rosie to think I abandoned them.”

Well we’re here to give you 3 reassuring reasons why you should kick the guilt aside and utilize doggie daycare as a benefit to you AND your fur baby.

3 Reasons You Should Utilize Doggie Daycare

1. Socialization. Socialization. Socialization.

Socializing your pup is crucial at any age, but especially as a puppy. Just like humans, we need to get used to people when we are little. We can’t hang on to the same pacifier our mom uses to calm us down and we can’t always resort to our baby blanket and favorite stuffed animal when we are intimidated. Dogs grow up and come in contact with more dogs and humans too. This is your opportunity to to give YOUR PUP a space where they can socialize with other dogs and learn, you know, dog manners and stuff.

2. More socializing for your pup = more socializing for you. 

By dropping your pup off at daycare, not only do they learn to how to behave with other dogs and humans, you get humanly interaction too. This includes humanly interaction with yourself too. You can choose enjoy a drink after work with your favorite coworkers, sign up for your favorite yoga class, or even take time picking out groceries at the store without the guilt that Bubba is waiting on you at home. In fact, he’s not even thinking about you – more about who’s behind he can sniff!

3. A clean house with the fur baby out!

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to clean the entire house and not immediately find the couch covered in dog hair right after? That’s because it’s almost impossible to do when they’re following you around the house as you vacuum and sweep and mop. Although we kind of admit that WE think it’s cute when dogs bark at the vacuum, you probably don’t. It is even cuter to clean the house when your furry friend isn’t interrupting. Drop your pup off at doggie daycare and give your house some uninterrupted attention!

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