Fleas in Your Yard: How to Prevent an Infestation
Fleas in Your Yard: How to Prevent an Infestation
Fleas thrive in the warm weather, however they will die if temperatures stay above 95 degrees, for two days.
The tricky part, is all the shaded areas of your yard. These areas stay cooler. They will be the areas you need to do take care of ASAP!
So here’s what you need to do….

- Treat your lawn with a flea killing spray or granule.
- Mow your grass a little bit higher than normal. Overly long grass gives fleas places to hide, while grass that’s too short (less than 2 inches) won’t be attractive to spiders or ants, both of which prey on fleas.
- Remove thatch and leaf piles. These gives fleas, their eggs, and their larvae a place to hide.
- Avoid overwatering. Fleas love moisture.
- Mulch with cedar. Fleas hate cedar.
- Let the sunshine in. Remove low branches and prune thick canopies to allow sunlight to reach areas beneath.
- Clear clutter. Remove places throughout the yard under which fleas can hide and lay eggs.
- Evict wildlife. Critters like squirrels, feral cats, skunks, rabbits, and deer, all carry fleas.
Flea Fact: Humidity also plays a factor in the survival of fleas. Relative humidity above 75% can extend the life span of adult fleas.
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